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Endpoint Experience

End User Monitoring in IPv6

ThousandEyes expanded end user monitoring to the IPv6 target to support the dual-support environment.

Innovation Overview

The Endpoint Agent now functions in a dual-stack environment, enabling deterministic testing between IPv4 and IPv6. With IPv6 support, end user monitoring can ensure the entire Internet space and enable deterministic testing between IPv4 and IPv6.

Feature Highlights:

  • Agent Reporting IPv6 Address: Endpoint Agent now can report IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for their public IP or private IP address.

  • Monitoring IPv6 Target: Available for Scheduled Tests (HTTP and Network) and Dynamic Tests using ICMP protocol. Users can select the IP Version, choosing from “IPv4 only,” “Prefer IPv6,” or “Force IPv6.”   

  • IP Address Family for Agent Label: Endpoint Agent dynamic label allows agent categorization based on its IP address family (IPv4 or IPv6). These labels can be used for specific test assignments; for example, you can create an “All IPv6 Agent” label to monitor the IPv6-only targets.  

Customer Benefits:

  • Monitor the Whole Network: IPv6 adoption is growing exponentially, and many organizations are switching to dual-stack. Monitoring IPv6 targets will become more crucial for IT teams.

Here is a quick demo of how to create an Endpoint Test with IPv6 option: 

  1. Start from “Monitor Application.”

  2. Open “Custom Application.”

  3. Provide the Application name, IPv6 Agent, and test interval. 

  4. Click “Add Test” > Scheduled - Network test.

  5. Provide any test target that resolves to an IPv6 address. 

  6. In Advanced Settings, set the Protocol to ICMP + TCP Connect.

  7. For IP Version, options include IPv4 only, Prefer IPv6, and Force IPv6.

  8. Select “Prefer IPv6,” then deploy this template.

  9. In Test views, you can confirm this test uses an IPv6 address for monitoring.

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