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Webinar | End User Monitoring

How to Architect a Secure Remote Access Solution Without Sacrificing Performance

End User Monitoring    50:40
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Webinar Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic brought on a seismic shift in the way enterprises work and where employees connect from — prompting enterprise IT to quickly scale and update VPN access to cope with increased usage.

Enterprises are now starting to make vendor and architectural adjustments to make the adopted remote work practices more permanent. To successfully do this, enterprises need to be able to baseline and evaluate performance holistically.

In this webinar, learn how ThousandEyes remote workforce solution enables IT teams to architect a solution without compromising on performance. Find out how to:

  • Create a baseline to assess current performance, and match suitability to VPN or Secure Edge
  • Proactively assess solutions comparing the existing performance with other approaches
  • Detect bottlenecks in remote access environments that could impact employee productivity
  • Automatically detect underlay and overlay paths to identify performance bottlenecks in production
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Webinar Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic brought on a seismic shift in the way enterprises work and where employees connect from — prompting enterprise IT to quickly scale and update VPN access to cope with increased usage.

Enterprises are now starting to make vendor and architectural adjustments to make the adopted remote work practices more permanent. To successfully do this, enterprises need to be able to baseline and evaluate performance holistically.

In this webinar, learn how ThousandEyes remote workforce solution enables IT teams to architect a solution without compromising on performance. Find out how to:

  • Create a baseline to assess current performance, and match suitability to VPN or Secure Edge
  • Proactively assess solutions comparing the existing performance with other approaches
  • Detect bottlenecks in remote access environments that could impact employee productivity
  • Automatically detect underlay and overlay paths to identify performance bottlenecks in production

Webinar Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic brought on a seismic shift in the way enterprises work and where employees connect from — prompting enterprise IT to quickly scale and update VPN access to cope with increased usage.

Enterprises are now starting to make vendor and architectural adjustments to make the adopted remote work practices more permanent. To successfully do this, enterprises need to be able to baseline and evaluate performance holistically.

In this webinar, learn how ThousandEyes remote workforce solution enables IT teams to architect a solution without compromising on performance. Find out how to:

  • Create a baseline to assess current performance, and match suitability to VPN or Secure Edge
  • Proactively assess solutions comparing the existing performance with other approaches
  • Detect bottlenecks in remote access environments that could impact employee productivity
  • Automatically detect underlay and overlay paths to identify performance bottlenecks in production

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